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Embracing Growth and Finding Purpose: A Journey of Leaving and Returning


A Search for Clarity

In any professional journey, the decision to leave a company is often a complex and multifaceted one. For Kristen Warren, the Business Unit Leader at West County Ophthalmology—a practice under the Vision Integrated Partners umbrella—the initial departure from the organization wasn't driven by a specific motivation to seek a more appealing opportunity. Instead, it stemmed from a struggle to balance financial decisions with patient care. As Kristen reflects, "I felt like a bit of a ping pong ball between doctors and the MSO, struggling with the back and forth and questioning if I was losing sight of patient care." This internal conflict led to a critical moment of introspection during a vacation, prompting Kristen to consider whether a different environment, possibly a private practice, would be a better fit.

New Beginnings and Realizations

Kristen's first day at the new job was eye-opening. Armed with two years of experience as an administrator under Bree, Kristen quickly noticed a stark difference in practice management philosophies. "The doctor kept encouraging me to leave money on the table with write-offs, which just did not make sense to me," she recalls. The realization hit hard: the new job lacked the structured, ethical framework that had been an integral part of the experience at Vision Integrated Partners. By the second day, it became clear that continuing in this environment would not only be a professional setback but also clash with the values Kristen held dear.

The Comfort of Coming Home

The decision to return to Vision Integrated Partners came unexpectedly, during a routine visit to pick up glasses for Kristen's daughter. "I felt a sense of peace and knew that this was where I belonged," Kristen describes. The supportive atmosphere and the company's commitment to doing things right—such as upholding insurance contracts and maintaining a unified team despite differing opinions—were stark contrasts to the new job. The doctors, staff, and VIP collectively provided a safety net that Kristen deeply missed. The experience highlighted the value of being part of a team where decisions are respected, even if they aren't universally loved.

A Culture of Support and Ethical Practices

One of the most compelling aspects of returning was the support from colleagues and the MSO team. Kristen shares, "While I was gone, my docs were in constant communication, telling me how much they missed me and checking on how I was doing." This unwavering support made the return feel like a homecoming, underscoring the strong bonds and ethical practices that define our workplace culture. Kristen realized that the company's commitment to compliance and ethical standards wasn't something to be taken for granted. It was a foundation that ensured a reliable and supportive work environment, something she found lacking elsewhere.

A Message to Colleagues and Future Candidates

For colleagues and potential candidates considering career changes, Kristen offers valuable insights. "There’s something to be said for the comfort and support that comes from being part of a larger team," she advises. The experience of leaving and returning has brought a new perspective, emphasizing the importance of appreciating the resources and support systems available within the company. Kristen encourages others to explore different career paths within the organization, suggesting that sometimes the growth and new challenges we're seeking can be found right here.

Looking Ahead with Renewed Purpose

Now back in the role of Business Unit Leader, Kristen is eager to dive deeper into various aspects of the practice, particularly optical and clinical areas. This newfound focus on comprehensive learning is driven by a desire to be a better administrator and support the team more effectively. The experience has not only enhanced Kristen's professional skills but also fostered personal growth, reinforcing the understanding that we are all working together to provide the best patient experience and run a compliant, successful practice.

Final Thoughts

Kristen Warren's journey of leaving and returning serves as a powerful reminder of the value of a supportive work environment, ethical practices, and the importance of clear communication. For those considering a similar path, Kristen's experience highlights the benefits of taking a step back, reflecting on one's motivations, and appreciating the unique strengths of Vision Integrated Partners. The grass isn't always greener on the other side, but sometimes, a brief journey away can make us realize the richness of what we already have.

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